Sientra Receives FDA Approval on Premarket Approval Supplement

Sientra, Inc. (SIEN) announced on April 18 that it had received FDA approval on its premarket approval (PMA) supplement. The approval allows Sientra to commercialize its OPUS-branded breast implant products manufactured at Vesta’s Wisconsin manufacturing facility. Sientra had been working closely with Vestra over the past two years on manufacturing the OPUS-branded breast implant, which is the only breast impact solely marketed to board-certified plastic surgeons.


Sonal alerted its subscribers about the event at 4:01 pm, and the next trade took place at 4:03 pm for $12.20. Sientra’s stock price spiked higher at the open on April 19 before easing lower towards the close. The stock price, however, continued to rise over the next few trading sessions. Sientra closed at $13.30 on April 26.

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